Pulse Pick: "Neon" by Dead King
With the start of our new series, Pulse Pick, we ventured into an gritty and bass morphing journey with Dead King's track, "Neon".
We kick off this series of Pulse Pick, as we listen to a wide variety of talented and determined artists from around the world. The amount of detail and passion that goes into these tracks that we hear on a daily basis doesn't get the recognition that it deserves, and we want to change that. We dive deep into the sonic crevices of these waveform masterpiece's to point out great production skills, arrangements, sound design, and much more. Stay tuned for more Pulse Picks to come!
This week, we start off with Neon by Dead King.
Intro - Welcome
The piece starts off with a welcoming introduction. Warm plucks, soft progressive elements, chilling vocal adlibs, and an occasional growl to warm up your ears for the kingdom of gritty reece basses that lies ahead. The introduction is filled with elements of varies frequency levels. Some in the mid-range with minimal high frequencies, leaving more room to important elements to shine in those higher frequencies. This results in a great take off of the piece, creaking the door ever so slightly to let everything be heard, but only the best of elements can fully come through. Eventually, we are hit by a massively progressive, teeth grinding, rumbling bass element that does such an astounding job at moving the listener forward. Melodic plucks, soundscapes and leads float effortlessly around the heavy bass, becoming it's companion and follower throughout the intro. As the tension rises, kicks and claps come in to further push the track forward, adding fire and fierce to the flames. With the end of the bar coming fast, everything goes dark, and arises crystal clear, contrasting vocals before being side-swiped by yet an even gnarlier, nastier, airier, heavier bass line that swoops in from nowhere and steals the thrown. The fake-out drop is revived by a punchier and thicker build up than before, and the transition is executed smoothly and with pristine excellence. In fact, the overall transitions in the entirety of this piece seems expertly crafted, and goes un-noticed of any sudden shifts in energy. Every element seems timed perfectly, and knows what they stand for.
Climax - Nasty Face
The climax is met with the proclaim of the title, "Neon" by another sharp and poise voice before getting absolutely put in your place by a multitude of heavy, airy bass sounds in the drop. The DnB style drums fit effortlessly between the basses, and the snare compliments the basses as well with its similar air quality tail end as the basses themselves, helping it fit right into the mix. The high pitch lead that screams overtop of the basses really catches the listener by surprise, and gives character and boldness to the bass that we didn't think was possible. The modulation amount ramps up to 11, as the elements morph, twirl and vibrate inside of your head. The lead continues to push new boundaries overtop of the bass, as it starts to make a chord at the 2:28 mark. The overall sound selection only impresses us even more. Nothing is added that dulls the moment, or feels out of place. The pure grit, crispness, and weight of every sound results in a flourished and powerful mix.
Favorite Sound:
0:43 - When that bass filters in, it's like a jet engine taking off.
Song Link:
Tops to Dead King for the production of this killer piece, and we'll be back again to hear what is up next! We have also added this track to our playlist, BLCKOUT.
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